37a & 38 Polsloe Road
Telephone 01392 273805

Sick Notes
We get many requests for 'sick notes' which are now called 'fit notes' or 'MED3'.
Sick notes are issued by doctors when you have been off work for more than 7 days. For the first 7 days off work you can self-certify. Click here for the form and find out more.
We have many requests for sick notes when patients have been off for less than 7 days. If your employer does not accept a self-certificate, please signpost them to the above website for more information.
Often patients request sick notes from us after an operation, attendance to A&E, or after seeing a specialists. A hospital doctor can issue a sick note and if they suggest you take some time off, please ask them to write you a sick note at the time. If you experience any problems please contact PALS at The Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital.
A sick note is a medicolegal form and our doctors have to ensure they are completed correctly. Your Doctor may ask to see you before issuing or renewing a sick note.
Please note sick notes can be back dated, so if yours ran out on the 20th January and your appointment is on 22nd January it can be backdated by the doctor to 20th January.
If you have an ongoing problem, it is best for continuity to see the same doctor each time, as they will know more about your condition and be better informed to help you.