37a & 38 Polsloe Road
Telephone 01392 273805

The Doctors
There are three partners at ISCA. , Dr Shellock, Dr Weeden and Dr Campbell. From time to time the doctors take holiday and attend courses. Sometimes when a doctor is away from the surgery another doctor from the surgery will cover, but sometimes we will ask you to see a locum doctor. Locum doctors are fully qualfied experienced GPs.

Dr, Alison Shellock
GMC Number 4306102
Dr Shellock trained at Southampton University. She has an interest in all aspects of General Practice and in particular diabetes and weight management. She fits contraceptive implants. Within the practice she is prescribing lead. Outside medicine Ali has an interest in diving, travel and enjoying the great outdoors with her young family and her dog.

Dr. Chris Campbell
GMC Number 6167106
Dr Campbell trained at Peninsula Medical School and did his house jobs and General Practice training in Exeter. He has an interest in Out-Of-Hours General Practice and does a number of shifts for DevonDoctors and is the clinical director for Somerset Doctors Urgent Care. Chris is very involved with the medical school. He is an academic tutor and OSCE examiner. He is the medical student lead within the practice. He also sits on The Primary Care Services for Somerset, is a director for Exeter Primary Care Ltd and Deputy Crematorium Referee.
Outside medicine Chris enjoys travelling, spending time with his young family and fine dining. He is responsible for the fish tank at Polsloe Road.

Dr. Claire Weeden
GMC Number 4105026
Dr Weeden trained in Birmingham and prior to becoming a GP she worked as an anaesthetist. Claire is enthusiastic about all aspects of general practice with an interest in respiratory medicine, elderly care and gynaecology.

Dr. Anne Davidson
GMC Number 6129457
Dr Davidson trained at Dundee University. Since then she has headed South! She enjoys all aspects of General Practice but has a particular interest in women's health and contraception. She fits coils and implants. She also has an interest in child health and dermatology. Outside of medicine she is enjoying discovering days out in Devon with her young family. She is also keen on exercise, and will try to run and swim whenever she gets the chance!
Dr. J Finn
GMC Number:7081788
Dr Finn trained at Cardiff Medical School. Since graduating he has worked in New Zealand, Madagascar, South Africa and has come to Devon for GP training. Outside of medicine he has an interest in climbing and surfing. He will be our registrar for the next year!